Greece is Screwed!

Jeff Siegel

Posted June 30, 2015

He showed up to collect his wife’s pension…

While waiting in line, this unnamed man from Athens told a reporter that he had worked all his life only to wake up one morning to a disaster like this.

GreekmanThe disaster, as you probably already know, was the crisis into which Greece has now plunged.

By order of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Greek banks have been shut down until July 6 and withdrawals from ATMs limited to no more than 60 euros per day.

Here in the U.S., most folks can’t ever imagine such a thing happening. And in all fairness, I don’t expect such a thing to happen, either. But that’s not to say it never will.

As Athens resident Eygenia Gekou told a reporter, “I can’t believe it. I keep thinking we will wake up tomorrow and everything will be OK. I’m trying hard not to worry.”

While I agree that worrying doesn’t solve anything, the last thing that’ll save Greece now is a good night’s sleep.

Gekou will not wake up tomorrow with everything OK.

The new reality for Greece is not stability. It’s crisis. It’s panic. It’s poverty.

Don’t Worry

Over the years, anytime I speak about the dangers of central planning, fiat currencies, and the need to protect your wealth, I’m often met with blank stares and sarcastic grins.

I’m told that I need to relax and not worry so much. But the thing is, I am relaxed, and I’m definitely not worried.

You see, the bottom line is that I simply don’t have a lot of faith in fiat currencies and central planning. To do so would be to accept the fact that my wealth and very comfortable way of life rests in the hands of a group of people who often get into their positions of authority through hard work, backdoor deals, and lots of bribes.

Therefore, instead of putting my trust in central planners, I put trust in myself.

I know better than any central planner how to secure my wealth and my lifestyle. And so do you. To be honest, I suspect I’m preaching to the choir here, anyway.

But in case you’re new to these pages, let me share with you 10 things you must have in order to protect yourself against the incompetence and questionable motives of central planners.

10 Necessities

  1. A home: A place to sleep, eat, and protect you and your family from bad weather and bad people. If you don’t currently own your home, make every effort to do so. As long as you own your own home, you always have the safety and security of a home base.
  2. Land: Not to grow a pretty lawn, but to grow food. These days, most folks grow food as a hobby. But before there was a supermarket on every street corner, folks grew food to live. Ensuring that you have enough land to grow food and even raise chickens will insulate you from any disruptions in food supplies. Also learn how to freeze, can, and dehydrate your bounty to ensure you have plenty of calories and nutrition during the winter months.
  3. Seeds: You can’t grow food without seeds. Make sure you have a healthy supply of seeds on hand, and when you harvest your fruits and vegetables, be sure to let a few go to seed so you can collect and store them for future plantings.
  4. Electricity: Although you don’t need electricity to survive, I’m not talking about just “surviving;” I’m talking about living the kind of life you enjoy today. And most would be hard-pressed to enjoy many of the comforts we now take for granted without a steady supply of electricity. Therefore, I suggest ensuring you have one — absent access to the grid. The most secure form of electricity is solar with backup battery storage. Done right, you can generate power during the day while storing excess power that can be used at night. Even in times of economic crisis, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to grab a cold beer out of the fridge and sit in front of your computer watching YouTube videos. Of course, that electricity will also help with heat, air conditioning, water pumps, power tools, and anything else you rely on today to say warm, dry, and comfortable.
  5. Firearms: While I’m not the kind of guy that walks around cities and towns with an AK hanging off my shoulder, one thing is certain: In crisis situations, you have to protect yourself. In the United States, you have the right to purchase and utilize a variety of different firearms to protect yourself from those who wish to do you harm. As long as you know how to use it properly, a firearm is your best protection in uncertain times. As well, if there are ever any disruptions in meat supplies, you can also use your firearm to hunt. Vegetables are delicious, but you need your protein!
  6. Water: Without a doubt, it’s more important than anything else. Without water, you die. It’s pretty simple, really. So make sure you have a robust supply of clean water that isn’t reliant upon a public water system. Whether it’s well water or the ability to collect, clean, and store rainwater, make sure that you and your family never have to go without some high-quality H20.
  7. A good set of tools: Economic crises can last for months, or they can last for years. If it’s the latter, you may find yourself in a situation where it is simply too cost prohibitive to hire someone to fix things for you. Learn how to do basic home repairs, and make sure you have all the tools you’ll need for even the most unusual repair.
  8. Gold: Yeah, yeah, I know. A lot of folks these days think gold is a terrible investment. But the bottom line is that there’s always a certain amount of safety with gold. I’m not saying run out and trade all your dollars for it. But to have some stored away in a safe place is always a good idea.
  9. Small bills: In the event that banks are shuttered and ATMs stop working, it’s always a good idea to have plenty of small bills around in case you need to buy something. If you go out to by some bread and all you have is a twenty-dollar bill, chances are the cashier is not going to be able to give you change. Small bills and even plenty of coins could serve you well if things get sketchy.
  10. Family and friends: Although these are things you don’t typically buy or store for a rainy day, if a severe economic crisis were to ever hit, the only people you’ll really be able to trust are your friends and family. Keep them close, and work together with them to ensure everyone is safe, well fed, and happy.

This list is something I’ve adhered to for years. And while it certainly can be amended and edited based on your own personal needs and desires, these 10 items really do serve as a basis for protection from economic crisis.

Sure, some folks may look at this list and assume I’m some crazy person who spends his days prepping in the mountains of West Virginia. But the truth is, I’m just a regular guy who simply prefers to adhere to the precautionary principle instead of walking around assuming a group of people with an extraordinary amount of authority can provide for me better than I can provide for myself.

No reason to worry, but no reason to let blind faith control my destiny.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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